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5 Reasons Why You Should Prevent Waste Bins From Overflowing

5 Reasons Why You Should Prevent Waste Bins From Overflowing | GF technovationAt the end of 2022, Hong Kong finally began to lift some of the restrictions put in place during the 3-year fight against COVID-19. This obviously came as a great relief for Hong Kong locals who were able to spend the festive season with friends and loved ones in a relatively normal setting. However, after lifting restrictions both in Hong Kong and also on the border with China, there will undoubtedly be a return to normal heavy human traffic seen at shopping malls, public facilities, theme parks and even hiking routes. This increase in traffic has been especially evident during Chinese New Year beginning 22nd January, and with more human activity, comes more waste. This in itself can be hazardous to public health and the environment if not managed correctly and remains a major challenge for authorities. In this blog, we will look at 5 reasons you should prevent waste bins from overflowing and the technology available that can help.

The problem of overflowing waste bins

A combination of increased urbanisation, more packaging and reduced collection schedules is leading to the sight of overflowing waste bins being more and more common. This issue causes a number of problems, including:

1) Bacteria and viruses are able to thrive and spread more easily

2) It attracts insects and vermin which are vectors of diseases such as salmonella and E. coli

3) Contaminates water supplies, particularly caused by battery, paint and electronic waste

4) Creates foul odours and more air pollution (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) as waste decomposes in the open, contributing to respiratory diseases

5) Becomes a health hazard to workers when it is cleared up

As such, more effective waste management systems have to be set up for the benefit of public health and hygiene. But with a lack of resources, both financial and human, to take up the slack, how can city officials achieve this?

More effective waste management using smart waste bins

Companies such as GF Technovation in Hong Kong have developed new technological solutions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management. It’s smart waste bin, for instance, is an ideal solution to city waste management. The bin, shown in action below, has a number of features that both save on manpower costs and also improve environment hygiene.

Using embedded ultrasonic wireless sensors, the smart waste bin is able to detect the fill level with real-time data sent to the responsible person to arrange emptying. This allows for better optimisation of collection routes and schedules. The bin also features a solar-powered trash compactor. This method of waste compression not only allows the bin to hold up to 5 times more waste without overflowing, it also saves on electricity.

A comprehensive Fleet Management Platform is also part of the smart bin system. Using real-time data, users can better plan collection routes and schedules around bins that actually need emptying. 

Overall, the smart waste bin both prevents the issues caused by overflowing bins and allows for better waste management and cost saving.

Learn more about GF Technovation’s smart waste bin

Increasing urbanisation and a return to normal after COVID-19 present challenges for authorities to manage the rising amount of waste produced. By using smart waste bins, officials can both enjoy cost savings and more efficiency with less resources while the public can enjoy cleaner and more hygienic city streets. To learn more about GF Technovation’s smart waste bin, click here.

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