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Monitoring of Human Vital Signs and Applications

Monitoring of Human Vital Signs and Applications | GF Technovation

A non-contact intelligent system that can monitor human vital signs we used to see in Sci-Fi movies is here. The contactless radar-based vital signs monitoring solution sets a new paradigm in gauging falls and emergencies by monitoring an individual’s pulse rate, blood pressure or movement without any camera.

These touchless vital signs monitoring devices are not only used in medical settings but in elderly care, homes, hotels, toilets, or changing rooms where cameras are not allowed to identify fatal incidents. The increasing use of smart vital signs monitoring devices around the globe has made it a booming US$4.63 billion market. It is expected to witness a significant growth of USD 11.55 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 11.0%.

Commercial Applications of Smart Vital Signs Monitoring Devices

Monitoring vital signs is potentially life-saving in medical facilities and home settings for vulnerable groups such as the elderly or infants. But who knows when an individual becomes unconscious and falls in a warehouse, changing room, or in a toilet?

Falls can happen anywhere outside a clinical setting, such as building lobbies, disabled toilets, changing rooms, elderly/children care homes, industrial sites, prisons, airport toilets, and sheltered housing.

Smart vital sensors give a home or commercial facility a holistic monitoring system without the need for wearables and work using no camera to address privacy concerns.

The smart sensors can identify occupancy, sitting up, highlight deterioration for dementia patients, detect falls, and send mobile alerts in case an anomaly is detected.

These vital sensors can be easily mounted near a switch board, turn any space into a smart room, and provide care for people inside out.

Now healthcare is available 24/7 at every commercial space without the need for wearing devices or staying in front of a camera, thanks to vital sensors.

What does a vital sensor do?

GF Technovation’s vital sign detection radar is the world’s first non-contact, continuous, and utterly autonomous health monitoring solution utilising proprietary radar technology. The device continuously scans for ToF (time of flight) motions. 

Benefits of vital sensors

No wearables needed

Vital sensors required no participation of the individual to wear a device. Therefore, it will give them the freedom and peace of mind of not wearing a device all the time.

No camera

No one likes the feeling of being watched all the time. It causes a sense of discomfort for most people. Today, video cameras are commonly used for vital signs monitoring and are an attractive choice because of their ubiquity, high performance and cost-effectiveness. But on the flip side, these imaging-based cameras are challenging under low lighting conditions or in a place where capturing the image is prohibited, such as in the changing room, toilet, or any other space where privacy is an issue.  

The non-contact vital sensor technology can detect a patient’s physiology under all lighting conditions without installing cameras. The device detects critical early deterioration by providing continuous measurements of resting heart rate (RHR) and respiratory rate (RR) values with no participation from the patient.

Continuous monitoring

Continuous contactless vital signs monitoring at the individual’s location reduces risk and raises the flag on those in need of urgent attention.

Seamless integration

Vital sensors can be seamlessly integrated into the hotels, elderly care, home, or outpatient care facilities while maintaining privacy.

Detection and prevention of fatal incident

Bathroom falls are the top cause of injury for the elderly, especially in single-occupant bathrooms and handicap bathrooms in malls and airports. Impulse radars are 100% automatic and require no action, preventing slip & falls.

Technovation is innovating healthcare with smart tech

Non-contact, radar-based vital signs monitoring will be a must in the post-COVID-19 world. We need more touchless monitoring technologies in workstations, homes, offices, hotels, restrooms, industrial, healthcare and elderly care settings, or even in cars. GF Technovation is on the mission to successfully integrate Vital Sensor into commercial settings to keep an eye on individuals’ health 24/7.

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