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How To Detect Falls By The Elderly Using Technology

How To Detect Falls By The Elderly Using Technology

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among adults aged 65 or older and the age-adjusted death rate caused by falls has increased by 41% from 55.3 per 100,000 older adults in 2012 to 78.0 per 100,000 older adults in 2021. As our lifespans continue to increase due to medical advances, this rate is likely to further increase unless we do something about it. Thankfully, there are sophisticated fall detection devices now available that can help to stop this from happening. In this blog, we will look at how to detect falls by the elderly using technology.

Common causes of falls among the elderly

  • Deteriorating eyesight, hearing and reflexes
  • Various medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or issues with thyroids, nerves, feet, or blood vessels, can lead to falls
  • Conditions such as incontinence, which can cause rushes to bathrooms (especially in the night), are often causes of falls
  • Cognitive impairment brought about by dementia bring a higher risk of falling
  • Age-related sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass), problems with balance and gait, and drops in blood pressure when getting up from a lying or sitting position (postural hypotension) are fall risk factors
  • Osteoporosis or low bone mass can exacerbate the issue and lead to further complications if a fall occurs
  • Issues with the feet, pain or unsuitable/unsupportive footwear can be a cause
  • Certain medications that cause dizziness or confusion increase the risk
  • Environmental hazards such a protruding furniture or rugs are also a cause

How to detect falls by the elderly using technology

Nowadays, there are many forms ofr sensors and smart technology for fall detection and vital signs detection, without invading privacy. Let’s take a closer look here:

Bed exit and fall detection devices

These devices scan the motion of the human body under surveillance. They use 77GNz wave radar technology (superior to infrared as it is subject to less interference). The system only graphically shows the status of the person (i.e. if they are lying, sitting, moving around) in the form of low-res x-y-z points ensuring privacy of the subject but providing vital information on their welfare. If a fall is detected, an alert is instantly sent to care givers to provide assistance. See an example of the bed exit and fall detection system offered by GF Technovation in action below:

Vital signs detection

Vital signs detection is another method to keep abreast of the health or status of an individual. GF Technovation offers two types of vital signs detection devices. The first, Vital Sensor, is a non-contact solution which monitors an area using impulse radio ultra-wide band radar technology (IR-UWB RADAR) to detect if a fall has occurred (i.e. it detects the motion of a person falling or if they are motionless on the ground), and sends an alert to caregivers. It can detect heart rate, breathing rate and movement. See it in action here:

The second is a two-in-one non-wearable solution named Vitals. This device combines a vital signs sensor and bed exit/fall detection device. It is attached to beds or wheelchairs and uses Ballistocardiograph (BCG) sensing technology to detect small vibrations such as heartbeat, breathing and body motion and alerts the caregiver if any of the parameters move outside of the normal range. See the video here:

Learn more about GF Technovation’s fall detection and vital signs detection solutions

Though accidents will sadly always happen and it is impossible to prevent falls completely, if an incident does occur, the chances of recovery are much better if it is detected quickly and assistance is on hand as soon as possible. In this regard, technology is definitely a great tool. GF Technovation offers a variety of smart tech to help keep our elderly safe. To learn more about GF Technovation’s fall detection and vital signs detection solutions, click here.

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