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How Technology Can Help Prevent The Leading Cause Of Fatal Injury Among The Elderly

How Technology Can Help Prevent The Leading Cause Of Fatal Injury Among The Elderly  | GF Technovation Blog

Accidents can happen to anyone but as we grow older, what would be a minor injury can easily become fatal. Falling, for instance, for younger people wouldn’t be a common occurrence and if it did happen, would often only lead to a scrape or bruise. However, falling is actually the most common cause of fatal injury among the elderly according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Not only are the elderly more susceptible to falling due to balance and mobility issues, they are also more likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries due to the frail nature of their bodies and generally weaker bones. If the fall itself isn’t fatal, the lengthy recovery time can cause further issues which can also lead to death. However, if people are on the scene of the fall quickly to offer assistance, the chance of survival is much higher. An example of when this wasn’t the case was a recent incident in Hong Kong, where an elderly man was found dead in a public toilet. A faulty emergency button in the toilet meant it took staff more than four hours to find the man who had sadly already passed away. It has prompted the Corporation to look into installing motion sensors in accessible toilets which would send a signal to staff if a user does not move for a certain period of time. In this blog, we will look at other ways technology can help prevent the leading cause of fatal injury among the elderly – falling.

Fall detection sensors and bed exit alarms

Companies such as GF Technovation (Powered by Guardforce) in Hong Kong have developed sophisticated fall detection sensors and bed exit alarms which are particularly suited for use in elderly care homes where staff shortages are often an issue. And particularly during the night time when resources are even scarcer. Abnormal motion, such as an elderly person falling, and even fighting can be detected and an alert sent to care givers to attend the scene quickly. Fall detection sensors can also be used to monitor a group of people within a specific area.


Vitals is a plug and play, two-in-one sensor which is attached to a bed to detect falls and the vital signs of the occupant. The device can also be set to alert care givers of important tasks such as bed turning, etc. Operating 24/7, Vitals can be invaluable to take pressure off care givers and nurses in hospitals, care homes and even private residential homes.

Non-contact vital signs sensor

Also developed by GF Technovation (Powered by Guardforce), is a non-contact vital signs sensor which detects the vital signs of a person by using Time of Flight (ToF) motion sensing and confirms a fall has occurred by locating the heartbeat and breathing signs emitted from the body on the ground of the monitored space. In case of an incident, an alert is sent to the care giver who can respond without delay. This device is especially useful for places such as public toilets or other spaces when accidents need to be detected quickly.

Learn more about GF Technovation’s elderly safety products

Falls and other accidents will inevitably happen as people age, but by using technology we can offer assistance much faster and reduce the chances of the incident becoming fatal. GF Technovation is a leader in elderly safety products, to learn more about its products click here.

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