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Guardforce’s Virusguard Was Featured In Kin Liu Magazine

Kin Liu interview | VirusGuard - Guardforce Hong Kong

In an interview with Kin Liu Magazine, Steven Leung, Assistant General Manager of Business Strategy Transformation, Guardforce Group, introduced the latest robotic solution, VirusGuard, a cost-effective solution to disinfect premises anytime, anywhere to keep the place absolutely clean and germ-free under the pandemic.

During the interview, Steven shared his journey on how to transform the application of the current robots to a new solution to adopt to the epidemic environment.  This solution has received the Anti-Epidemic Technology Product Award 2020 Adversity Awards by the Hong Kong Retail technology Industrial Association.   During the interview, the whole process was demonstrated including the route setting, time setting, disinfection, and auto return to the home base for charging.    The VirusGuard solution aims to bring an economical alternative to keep the premises clean.


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