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Orange News Highlights Guardforce’s Emphasis On Technology In Supporting Elderly Care

Guardforce subsidiary GF Technovation’s cutting-edge tech applications for elderly care were in the spotlight after the Asia Summit on Global Health held last month. In an interview with Orange News in early June, Steven Leung, Guardforce Group’s General Manager of Business Strategies and Transformation, shared his insights on the significance of technological advancement in supporting the elderly population in Asia.

Steven pointed out that technology plays a vital role in supporting the elderly population, and contributes to enabling the elderly to enjoy longer lives with dignity and independence.

He said Guardforce has localized overseas applications, such as applying facial recognition for the Anti-wandering solution, and incorporating radar and sensors for vital signs detection and smart toilets.  These solutions have been proven highly effective in monitoring elderly safety, through applications at more than 60-80 hospitals, non-profit organizations and local facilities.

Guardforce also takes the initiative to fine-tune and customize these solutions, and endeavors to making them accessible to the elderly population in Hong Kong who prefer to live independently. Such localization adaption ensures that the technologies are practical and user-friendly to support the overall well-being of the elderly in the local community.

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