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Guardforce Presents Smart Solutions At CLP Smart Campus Seminar

Smart Campus Seminar - seminar

Guardforce joined the Smart Campus Seminar on May 16, organised by CLP at Tang King Po School. Nearly 100 primary and secondary school teachers and staff attended the event to find out about the latest smart city tools.

Guardforce brought the smart bin and smart cleaning solutions to the event and showed how advanced sensors and technology could help schools manage rubbish and toilet cleaning with greater efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

The smart bin enables smart rubbish disposal. Equipped with a Wifi ultrasound sensor, it can detect the bin’s fullness and upload real-time data to a cloud platform for centralised monitoring. Campus facility management can use the data to optimise rubbish collection routes and frequency. Smart bins also have solar-powered compressors to automatically compress rubbish when a bin is filled to a pre-set level. The feature can help to expand a bin’s capacity by eight times so that fewer collection trips are required.

Smart sensors work in similar ways. They are so small they can be fitted individually into rubbish bins or recycling containers. Guardforce’s smart cleaning solution makes use of sensors to gauge information such as the number of users of a toilet, the supply level of soap and toilet paper, as well as ammonia concentration levels to determine a toilet’s cleanliness. Guardforce offers smart tools to help schools efficiently maintain campus cleanliness with less manpower, as Hong Kong moves towards becoming a smart city.

Smart Campus Seminar - Guardforce booth

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