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Sustainable Solutions Of GF Technovation Exhibited At Eco Expo Asia

Vistors at Eco Expo Asia 2022 | GF Technovation

Eco Expo Asia is a leading global trade platform for the environmental protection industry, showcasing the latest green products, equipment and state-of-the-art technology. The 2022 event was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 14-17 December 2022. GF Technovation took part in the expo and showcased the Smart Waste Bin, Auto-Sorting Recycling Bin, Smart Toilet System and Smart Safety Monitoring System. The solution demonstrated to visitors how we are applying technology to help achieve ESG goals, in a concerted effort to build a sustainable community.

GF Technovation’s Smart Waste Bin, Auto-Sorting Recycling Bin and Smart Toilet System each has unique features to meet different waste management and recycling needs effectively. The waste and recycling bins feature a range of functions, from recording user data to weighing disposed content, catering to user needs in readiness for the 2023 implementation of the government’s Municipal Solid Waste Charging scheme in support of sustainable development.

Students at Eco Expo Asia 2022 | GF Technovation

In addition to the waste management and recycling solutions, GF Technovation also showcased the Smart Toilet System and Smart Safety Monitoring System that can improve toilet user experience and safety as well as protect workers’ well-being.

The IoT-powered Smart Toilet System is equipped with multiple sensors, smart soap dispensers and smart toilet paper dispensers. It can help to improve customer experience by minimizing queuing time and improving toilet cleanliness. The system is also able to detect falls and alert management personnel in a timely manner accordingly to prevent fatal incidents.

Booth at Eco Expo Asia 2022 | GF Technovation

The Smart Safety Monitoring System, powered by IoT, AI and image analytics technology, works with different hardware to offer a round-the-clock automated monitoring system for low-cost monitoring of worksite safety, enhancing the security level while preventing injuries and incidents.

GF Technovation’s Auto-Sorting Recycling Bin and Smart Waste Bin gained publicity in the event’s news conference on 8 December 2022. Steven Leung, Director of GF Technovation, explained to the guests and media the waste and recycling operation, and shared how technology could elevate waste management efficacy.

Countries around the world have been introducing ESG regulations and policies to promote sustainable development, and ESG topics are gaining attention from consumers and investors. Companies ought to stay with the trend and adopt sustainable practices in environment, social responsibility and governance in their sustainable development policies. GF Technovation will stay true to its ESG ethos and use technology to help solve social and sustainability issues to improve the environment and quality of life, as a contribution to the community’s sustainable development through innovation.

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