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GF Technovation Co-host School Tour With SEED Foundation

GF Technovation Co-host School Tour With SEED FoundationGF Technovation is thrilled to co-host a 3-day school tour with SEED Foundation on 24th & 25th April and 2nd May. GF Technovation’s Director Steven Leung conducted an introduction on what we do and how we incorporate our technology solutions to meet today’s evolving needs of different stakeholders and help improve our community. It was followed by a live demo of our smart elderly care solutions and smart hygiene solutions, and the students took part in it too. 

The tour ended with the students’ group discussion and presentation. We were excited to see constructive results from such a brief yet fulfilling visit – the students were able to summarize what they had learnt and contributed suggestions on how the solutions could be applied in daily life.

It was a great opportunity to share our innovation journey and the latest technology with the students. SEED foundation is an NGO that aims to nurture youths in the technology-driven economy. We are glad to support young people who are the future of our society.

GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - day1 GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - day2 GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - day3

GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - Smart bin demo GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - group discussion GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - group present

GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - presentation GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - interaction GF Technovation x  SEED Foundation School Tour - group present

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