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Best Elderly Persons Safety Devices Available Today

Best Elderly Persons Safety Devices Available Today | GF Technovation

In an aging population, prioritizing elderly persons’ health and safety without compromising quality of life is becoming increasingly important. As individuals seek greater freedom and independence, wearable devices can sometimes feel restrictive, particularly for those with Alzheimer’s who may resist wearing them. However, thanks to advancements in technology, monitoring the elderly and keeping them safe has become easier, cheaper and more flexible. In this blog, we will look at the best elderly persons safety devices available today.

Facial recognition: A smart anti-wandering solution

By utilizing facial recognition technology, smart anti-wandering solutions are now being used to replace traditional wearable devices in elderly care homes. This non-intrusive surveillance approach simplifies deployment, saves on the long-term recurring costs associated with wearables or other physical devices, and significantly enhances accuracy. With this technology, elderly individuals can enjoy complete freedom, while minimizing the risks of wandering away. See GF Technovation’s anti wandering solution in action below:

Smart fall detection & bed exit alarm systems

Ensuring safety as well as privacy, smart fall detection and bed exit alarm systems employ wave radar technology to graphically display the status of individuals within the monitored area. The radar indicates whether they are lying down, sitting, or moving around. The low-resolution x-y-z point representation protects privacy, while effectively capturing any incidents. Although this allows for prompt assistance to be sent in case of accidents, elderly persons can still enjoy their independence. Take a look at the technology here:

Vital signs sensors

In situations where the elderly are alone, non-contact vital sign sensors offer an ideal solution. These devices continuously scan for Time of Flight (ToF) motions and confirm a fall by detecting heartbeat and breathing signals emitted from the body using Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band Radar technology (IR-UWB RADAR). If a fall is detected, the sensor searches for vital signs on the ground, including heart rate, breathing rate, and movement. Real-time push alerts are then sent to designated responders via smartphones or wearable devices, allowing for immediate assistance. Take a look at how GF Technovation’s vital signs monitoring solution works here:

Two-in-one vital signs and fall detection

Care recipients can experience a safer and higher quality of life with the combined two-in-one vital signs and fall detection solution from GF Technovation. Named Vitals, this device employs Ballistocardiograph (BCG) sensing technology to detect subtle vibrations such as heartbeats, breathing, and body motion. Caregivers receive alerts if any irregularities occur, making monitoring easier and enabling remote care. Additionally, job reminders can be sent to ensure timely treatment for specific patients. See what makes Vitals so effective here:

Learn more about GF Technovation’s smart elderly safety devices

Keeping our ever-increasing population of elderly persons safe as well has happy has never been so important. Technology is allowing for more cost-effective and non-intrusive ways of ensuring this. GF Technovation in Hong Kong is devoted to improving elderly safety and health monitoring, giving care receivers enhanced freedom and a higher quality of life, while also keeping them safe. For more information on these and other smart devices, contact GF Technovation here.

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