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Transforming Aging With Smart Technology

Transforming Aging With Smart Technology | GF Technovation

As the world’s population continues to age, there is a growing need for innovative solutions that can enhance the quality of life for the elderly. Smart elderly care technologies, such as fall detection, bed exit and anti-wandering devices, have emerged as powerful tools to address the various challenges faced by seniors, enabling them to live more independently, stay connected and maintain a sense of purpose. These devices are also helping operators of care homes for the elderly to overcome the challenge of properly looking after individuals in the face of a lack of manpower. In this blog, we will explore how technology is transforming aging with smart elderly care solutions.

Ant-wandering solutions

While it is important for seniors to maintain some level of independence, wandering away from safe locations is a great concern for care homes. Due to the manpower shortage, it is very difficult to closely monitor every individual, and for those residents with ailments such as Alzheimer’s, wandering can be a persistent issue. Traditional wearable devices are cumbersome, uncomfortable and need regular maintenance to ensure they are functioning correctly. New anti-wandering solutions are now available which do away with the wearable bracelets, instead relying on more effective facial recognition technology. This method reduces the amount of manpower needed by allowing caregivers to focus on looking after residents, safe in the knowledge that the system will alert them automatically if it detects any resident wandering out of pre-defined areas. See GF Technovation’s anti-wandering solution in action here:

Smart health monitoring

IoT sensors are another smart way to replace wearable devices. They can be used to track vital signs, manage medications, monitor activity levels and detect/prevent accidents. The real-time data collection and remote monitoring give freedom to seniors while also providing peace of mind and useful information for caregivers. Take for instance GF Technovation’s bed exit alarm and fall detection solution below which scans the motion of the person in the area under surveillance using millimeter wave radar technology. The system is not only highly accurate, but also protects the privacy of the individual. If a fall or other incident is detected, an alert is sent to caregivers through their mobile device or PC.

Other useful smart elderly care devices offered by GF Technovation include a non-contact vital signs detection device which scans the area for heart rate, breathing rate and movement. If one of these is not detected or moves out of the pre-defined parameter, the sensor will send a real-time push alert to the caregiver.

Also available from GF Technovation is the Vitals two-in-one solution to detect both vital signs and falls. Another non-wearable device, it is attached to beds or wheelchairs and uses Ballistocardiograph (BCG) sensing technology to detect small vibrations such as heartbeat, breathing and body motion, and alerts the caregiver if any of the parameters move outside of the normal range. See the video here:

Cognitive and mental stimulation

It is important to keep our brains and bodies as active as possible as we age, and now there are many smart devices available to help support cognitive and mental stimulation for the elderly.

ExBrain - Brain Sensor | GF Technovation

Take ExBrain above, for instance. This device uses near-infrared technology to safely measure brain activity and identify the activeness of the brain in real-time to help individuals adjust their training levels and optimize cognitive training. The associated app, Brain Meter, provides suitable cognitive training drills, quizzes, puzzles and reading materials to help users keep their minds active at an appropriate level.

Learn more about GF Technovation’s smart elderly care solutions

Smart technology is transforming caregiving for the elderly, both in professional care settings and within families. The use of remote monitoring devices, sensor-based alerts and AI provide personalised and efficient care. This relieves the pressure of labour shortage, while maintaining a high level of care and comfort to the elderly. It is important that technology developers, healthcare professionals and caregivers collaborate to develop solutions to meet the challenges of an aging population. GF Technovation is proud to be at the forefront of smart elderly care solutions, to learn more click here.

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